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Durgamata's Shop

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A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.




A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.
how RE can reduce prejudice and models of religion

how RE can reduce prejudice and models of religion

This is a series of anecdotes and reflections from a book I am writing called 'Sunlight and Shadow, Spirituality at Work in School.&' Uploaded as a resource in response to a teacher asking about anti-Semitism, it begins with reflections on a class visit to a synagogue and then explores the question of &';Why are there so many religions? Sri Ramakrishna's models of God and other models which explore the concept of oneness and diversity in religion are also included.
Symbolism in Buddhism - especially the lotus

Symbolism in Buddhism - especially the lotus

material here from several different websites - will save a lot of time but still needs some unpicking. The Lotus symbolism explained in different ways, including symbolism of the colour. Lotus in Chinese art -
Sir John Tavener - Spiritual Composer/Inter-Faith

Sir John Tavener - Spiritual Composer/Inter-Faith

Sir John Tavener - Spiritual Composer - readings from the Guardian Obit... 'his universalist focus continued to result in wonderful works, such as the mass Sollemnitas in Conceptione Immaculata Beatae Mariae Virginis and the Requiem... Drawing its texts from Sufi poetry, the Catholic Mass, the Koran and Hindu words from the Upanishad, Tavener explained that 'the essence of the Requiem is contained in the words &'Our glory lies where we cease to exist&';'... a story about a 'journey' and becoming 'one with God'.
Blog for November 2013 - spring 2014

Blog for November 2013 - spring 2014

2 Dec (1) - Nov 28 (2) - 29th (Ma's birthday.) Both with photos 13 - 16 Dec our Nelson Mandela prog, 17 - 21st bit from Deepak Chopra and Christmas Day Radio 26- 28th - daughter in India + Chopra insights on relationships. Jan 7th, update, family, Chrisn/Muslm orgs working with ex-gang-Members 14th work + half-milliion mark 15 - 19 Jan inc sponsors for son? and &'tummy trouble.&'; 9th Feb hospital and poems. 13th - 20th Feb inc photos 23rd a long blog inc resource on Sala/God interfaith events + photos + poems. March 14-18 includes bits from Liverpool RE Confrnc 18 - 21 new job?
The Problem of Evil and posters to aid reflection

The Problem of Evil and posters to aid reflection

A video shared on an RE Forum with my thoughts on the matter - ideas to stimulate thought and discussion. also links to more videos. I plan to add to this and create some activities to go with these resources. some pictures to print out as posters to encourage thought and reflection on this subject.
Blog part 11 starting on 1st July

Blog part 11 starting on 1st July

the latest in the series. the one on 2nd and 5th describes the workshop I gave at the 12th International Conference on Children's Spirituality - and some observations that my friend has seen when taking children around the St Julian of Norwich Shrine and at Walsingham. This would be useful when exploring Spiritual Experience and religion in today's world. more later
Blog for October 2012

Blog for October 2012

in haste - the prev site is full so starting another. Sorry not a regular blog at the moment, Life is a bit hectic. Bella-the kitten who just caught a mouse at Mums is sitting on my knee purring like a steam engine, very proud of herself. Love and Peace DurgaMata
Enrichment ideas - all sorts + some RE ones

Enrichment ideas - all sorts + some RE ones

In response to a request for ideas for an enrichment day or week - I have just copied some pages from a range or websites in response to a general search on google. I will edit and add to these. Also a copy of the thread from the RE forum. Again I will add to this when others respond with their ideas. I would always love to come and work with any school on a project like this. Passion for RE and Enthusiasm in boundless measure, me!! All the best
Prayer and Healing - the 4 Ho'oponopono prayers

Prayer and Healing - the 4 Ho'oponopono prayers

I gathered this material in response to a request for a lesson about prayer. A friend has found this really powerful - using it effectively in relation to several problems in school and at home. With the inspiration of the question on a thread about how to make a lesson on prayer more experiential and less theoretical - I was inspired to spend a few hours researching into it. I aim to add to this resource - and especially add more links to videos from youtube which could be used in class. I suggest you introduce this in lessons about - Prayer, forgiveness and the existence of God.
What Amazes You Most? (life/nature/God) poem

What Amazes You Most? (life/nature/God) poem

A sweeping reflection on life which explores and celebrates the beauty and mystery of of our planet, introducing a range of concepts from different religions and world views. In art and music it may stimulate composition. The origins are in RE where the poem emerged from my struggle to get year 10 to engage with the question of God in a serious way - it was movingly effective - but I want to include the questions of suffering and evil and still struggle with this, to keep it a poem and not a book! I hope to publish eventually but do use it as a basis for discussion or creative response.
Exploring Religion slide shows

Exploring Religion slide shows

Parts 1 - 4 are here. 3 also part 7 is up. parts 3, 4 and 7 are not yet finalised. see also Exploring Religion Conversation/Introduction - about 4 resources further on,145 slides you can use over 10 weeks, up to and including an 'activity&' each week. &';part 3 A Quest for Truth.' explores many concepts including science and religion and the great Eternal Questions + a section on poetry and symbolism with 10 selected poems. ? before or after part 4, the Religio / Relationships episode. This is a work still in progress and I would appreciate feedback.
RE and the E Bacc. emailing all the MPs + replies

RE and the E Bacc. emailing all the MPs + replies

I'm sharing this to give others who want to write some ideas. I have tried to cover as much as I can here - in my original letter of 28th May - which is probably too much - but others may like to take some of the points to use in their letters. Still no answer about RE and the Bacc so I'll continue to share any correspondence resulting from this email the MPs 'campaign.' It may be of interest to post 16 / KS4 Citizenship and RE Thanks DurgaMata
Original song by Jill B 'Here in a blind world'

Original song by Jill B 'Here in a blind world'

This is my favourite of all my sisters songs - and one of the earliest. She composed it at Christmas, in Bethlehem, in 1967 - where tourists pushed and shoved to get to the 'spot where Jesus was born&' and haggled over souvenirs - while snow fell on freezing streets and soldiers arrested her black African colleague and interrogated him three times that day. It is a powerful and moving meditation on the real meaning of Christmas. For the CD &';All Shall Be Well' original songs of peace, of winter and of Christmas, contact - 'Jill Slee Blackadder' <Jill.blackadder@btinternet.com>,
It's Christmas, Winter, Who is the Child + 1

It's Christmas, Winter, Who is the Child + 1

Songs by teacher Jill Blackadder - sheet music and CD from 'Jill Slee Blackadder' <Jill.blackadder@btinternet.com>, The song I've used most in RE here is &'It&';s Christmas, get cracking' which is a great and humorous way of introducing an exploration of the tensions between our pagan &'yule&'; festival of feasting and indulgence which celebrates the return of the physical sun - lengthening days and hopes of spring to come - in mid-winter and the Christian celebration of the arrival of the Son, the spiritual sun or Light of the World.
durgamata blog  - from Thursday 13th Oct

durgamata blog - from Thursday 13th Oct

Continuation of my Meditation Blog. This started on 28th September in New York and ends on 30th October back in England. I have some notes in my diary which still need to be written up to include in this so I will add a few more files over the next few days. Some friends say I should edit the whole record and make it into a book!!! Well we will see about that.
homosexuality euthanasia suicide - ethics/morality

homosexuality euthanasia suicide - ethics/morality

Max files are 20. I just added a recent article (2014) and my own views + suicide by doubling up with another file. But there are many other important perspectives. Do give me a message about inspiring or helpful articles etc. so I can include them here too. The three autobiographical accounts are taken from the Courage website - testimonials section. I have listed most docs as 'guide&' to use as sources or extension material. However Jeremy Marks statement of apology is concise enough to use directly with KS4 classes and raises many interesting points. Lots on Euthanasia too.
Wedding Season

Wedding Season

From time to time I have mentioned a role-play Wedding exercise I have done with GCSE classes. I just came across some files relating to this from 2007. In 2007 I was HOD of RE and our year 10 classes did a 'Wedding Season.’ We explored weddings from the perspective of several denominations and the classes really enjoyed it. I include a detailed report on one wedding. I will add the ‘script,’ the music and photos - when I find them, but there is enough here to help other teachers to plan a similar event. It is a lot of work but well worth the exercise.